Communicating Care
A podcast where we talk about the ways environmental and climate justice advocacy are motivated by, express, and foster care. Publicly launched in 2022, on this podcast we listen more deeply to people who have made headlines for making a difference to learn from their insights for successful storytelling, organizing, and thinking about plastics, climate, social justice and much more.
Communicating Care
Prof. Stacy Alaimo on plastics, carbon-heavy masculinity, and caring for deep blue ecologies
Prof. Stacy Alaimo on plastics, carbon-heavy masculinity, and caring for deep blue ecologies
Recorded: March 16, 2023
Published: April 19, 2023
Time: 46:22
Audio edited by: Anthony Albidrez
Music clips provided through Creative Commons: “Holy Moly” by Shane Ivers https://www.silvermansound.com
Welcome to Communicating Care, a podcast of the Just Transition Collaborative at the University of Colorado Boulder where we talk about the ways environmental and climate justice advocacy are motivated by, express, and foster care. On this podcast we listen more deeply to people who have made headlines for making a difference to learn from their insights for successful creative climate communication and behavior change.
I'm the host, Professor Phaedra Pezzullo and, today, our guest is Dr. Stacy Alaimo, a Professor of English and Core Faculty Member of Environmental Studies at the University of Oregon. She is the author of three books and multiple coedited volumes and essays. She also is the coeditor of a new book series, Elements, for Duke University Press. Globally recognized as a leading scholar on gender, sexuality, and the environment, I am excited to talk with her today about her research on plastics, gender, and ocean life.