Communicating Care

Joe Andenmatten, Director of CU Boulder’s Disability Services, on accessibility

Prof. Phaedra C. Pezzullo, host Season 1 Episode 8

Recorded: October 22 2021
Published: May 11, 2022
Time: 43 mins 44 seconds
Audio edited by: Robert Lino
Music clips provided through Creative Commons: "What a Wonderful Day" by Shane Ivers (

Welcome to Communicating Care: a podcast of the Just Transition Collaborative at the University of Colorado Boulder where we talk about the ways environmental and climate justice advocacy are motivated by, express, and foster care. On this podcast, we listen more deeply to people who have made headlines for making a difference to learn from their insights for successful creative climate communication and behavior change. I'm the host, Professor Phaedra Pezzullo.

Today, our guest is Joe Andenmatten, the Director of the University of Colorado Boulder’s Disability Services. Joe earned a BA in History from one of my alma maters, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, which alumni like us fondly call “UMass.” He earned a MA in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Northern Colorado and, during that time, interned with Veteran Affairs’ Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Program. He has been a certified Rehabilitation Counselor since 2009 when he started as a Program Manager for a home for adults with developmental disabilities. He began at CU in 2014 as an Access Coordinator and became director in 2020, amid a global pandemic. The vision of the Disability Center at CU is a fully accessible, integrated, and universally designed campus community.